Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 23 of One Month to Live: 30 Days to a No-Regrets Life

Well, rats, I was writing deep thoughts about that great book that I've been reading when I lost my power source and thereby lost my writing.  So I am showing some of my newfound integrity by starting over with patience.

What would you do if you only had one month to live?

I would let all of my family members know how much I love them and what a great job we think that they are doing rearing their children.

I would probably get rid of all of my clutter and older clothes.  I hate to think of leaving a big mess for others to clean out, but I can feel that coming, regardless.

Today was spent potty training and teething.  It was a rewarding day with the two and a half year old and I going for pedicures together.  I never realized how much fun that would be.  She acted like such a big girl, was still, and extremely polite. 

And it was so cute at the end of the day to see how proud of herself she was for going potty and poopy in the proper place all day long!  She earned a very nice toy that Momma had been saving for her.  If she follows suit and does the same excellent job tomorrow, then Granddad and I will be going to find that Big Girl bike that we promised her.  And Mamma and Pappa will enter into a new era of life.  It is so much fun!

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