Eisenhower State Park in Texas
The subtitle of this chapter in the book is "Breathing First." One of the quotes at the beginning of Day 5 is the statement that the flight attendants make at the beginning of each and every flight. It's something like, "In the event of an emergency, the oxygen mask will fall from the overhead compartment. If travelling with small children, place the mask over your own face before first assisting them." The idea here is that we can't take care of others unless we first take care of ourselves.
There is so much "meat" in the few pages of this chapter that if it weren't for copyright law, I would probably just quote the entire chapter.
Basically it's about taking care of your own spiritual, emotional, and health needs before helping others. And there are warnings about not going to extremes.
Because I am so overwhelmed with the content of this chapter, I'm delving right into the suggestions at the back, which cover the content better than I ever could.
Suggestion 1 asks the reader to rate health in each of four areas - spiritual, physical, emotional, and relational, from 1-10 with 1 being terrible and 10 being great. Relational is the one that I currently need to put on my "to do" list. I'm feeling as if the rest are all near the 10 mark.
Suggestion 2 asks the reader to journal about a specific goal for each of these four areas. Goals must be practical and measurable. Those I will definitely have to ponder.
And the third suggestion on the "Make it Last for Life" list is to log on to http://www.onemonthtolive.com/ and spend 15-30 minutes daily (for the rest of the month) working on the spiritual, physical, emotional, and realtional health.
Blessings on your day as I head over to the One Month to Live website.
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