The day was perfect with sun, temps in the lower 70's, and the aroma of lovely flowers drifting through the clean air. It was a portrait to entice all of the senses!
As I walked, observed, soaked up, enjoyed, etc., I prayed. My prayers were mostly to thank God for the beauty of the moment, the day, the perfection of the time and the place.
It was glorious, almost as if we were receiving a glimpse of heaven. It felt that perfect to me! I wanted to "box up" the feeling of "perfect" and bring it home. How selfish, I thought, even to myself...
We had such fun that two ladies who were visiting the gardens asked Charlie and I if we were from "here." We said, "No," and explained that we live in The Village and are "Village People." They got a small laugh from that, then wanted to know more about the Village.
When we ran into them again later, they asked us how long we had been married. BC in his usual fashion of shocking me said, "Oh, we aren't married, but we've been living together for 43 years."
I'm not sure who laughed the most or got the biggest kick/shock out of it, as the ladies thought that the reason that we seemed to be having so much fun was that we were newlyweds. What a riot! I, of course, was mortified that my husband would even suggest such a thing. That only brought more laughter to our Camera Club friends who were within earshot.
After the pictures, we all went to Red Lobster, where we viewed each other's camera shots and ate a most delicious dinner of fish.
Needless to say, it was an almost perfect day!
Springtime is love time and love time is Springtime and Via!, sweet Love!
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