My day began in the garage. Yep, our garage was the scene of my work for the day. Little did I know...
After a nice breakfast and a visit by Tucker, our contractor, who showed Charlie how to light the fireplace, BC and I headed out to the garage. I think that BC finally figured out that the only way that he was going to get me to finish my unpacking was to assist me. And assist me, he did!
Fortunately, Ashley had requested my Creative Memory supplies if I didn't want them. That made it so much easier to get rid of that part of my life. I knew that she wanted and would use them, while I hadn't touched them and had no plans to do so. Now "things" are in neat piles in the garage awaiting the second step.
The second step will involve filing recipes, storing pictures, and deciding what to do with a few other pictures. I dare say that I threw away at least a thousand photos. I had duplicates, triplets, etc. of photos that no one but us would be interested in. I also have a "give away" pile and a "to save for Grandchildren" pile.
There were pictures from my childhood, pictures of our Michigan trip, our England trip, our five-state trip when we went to Yellowstone National Park, our Big Bend trip, our Canada trip, and even our trip to the Biltmore. Oh, me.
After a nice salad lunch out, we returned home, and I began working on the back herb bed. It's my baby, so weeding, mulching, and replanting were my jobs. I am excited to see how my garlic does in this new bed with the first of my homemade compost on top of it.
The Koi appear to be thriving in their environment. We have had six all summer. They are really growing!
This is a view looking from our back yard into our woods behind our home. We love the view!
There were two of these guys flying overhead. I don't know if it was a hawk or an eagle, as we do have eagles here.... Research needed.
After working in the yard for an hour or so, I went back to working on the garage. I really did have a lot to do, considering how I had organized it and how the packers had packed it.
I am tired and my back hurts. One of those bubble baths with the bubble machine that we purchased soley with the grands in mind is going to be mine shortly.
Saturdays are nice, because I often get to talk to all three adult children.
Our son got his stolen car back finally. Only the radio (which didn't work, crazy thieves!) was taken. I don't have to tell you what a major inconvenience it is to have a car stolen. I'm happy that the ordeal is over for him. And I still don't understand why the thieves (intelligent people who they are - NOT!) did not take the Audi two cars down from dear son. LOL!
Ou middle child and the two grandsons were in the middle of a shooting in traffic in North Carolina yesterday. It was a frightening experience for all three of them. The daughter is still not sure if she ran the red light or not, but when the gun fire began, she gave the car the gas to get out the line of fire that she was in.
The bath is beckoning my name. I can see a candle dancing and smell the wonderful aroma of bath salts. Ah, here I come!
Blessings on your Sunday.
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